Harrisonburg NORML February Meeting

Join Virginia NORML at Pale Fire Brewing Co. February 9th at 7pm for the Harrisonburg NORML meeting. 

This month we will discuss the 20+ cannabis-related bills in the 2016 General Assembly and how you can actively support marijuana reform in Virginia.

Suggested donation: $10

February 09, 2016 at 7:00pm - 9pm
Pale Fire Brewing Co.
217 S Liberty St
Harrisonburg, VA 22801
United States
Google map and directions
Matt Lamoureux ·
Matt Lamoureux scott mclellan Jm Pedini

Will you come?

$250.00 Sponsor
Refreshments and speaker are generously provided for the Harrisonburg NORML February Meeting with your $250 donation.
$100.00 Host
Refreshments and literature are graciously provided for the Harrisonburg NORML February Meeting with your $100 donation.
$10.00 Suggested Donation
Keep Harrisonburg NORML operational with your donation of $10.