New Virginia NORML Facebook Policy

Please take a moment to read this, so you can effectively benefit from Virginia NORML’s social media efforts.

From this point forward, Regional Chapter Facebook pages -- NoVA NORML, Roanoke Valley NORML, etc. -- will focus on information and events specific to that area. The daily posts on topics of state, national, or general interest will post on the Virginia NORML page, along with the comments and discussion that we encourage from our supporters. This will allow Chapters to focus their individual pages on sharing local news, upcoming events, meeting recaps, and information on area representatives.

Be sure to Like both your Regional Chapter and Virginia NORML so you don’t miss any action alerts or exciting marijuana law reform news!  Select “Get Notifications” from the Like menu, so you will never miss a post! And of course, supporters are always encouraged to submit interesting links and social media ideas.