Marijuana-related legislation in the 2025 Virginia General Assembly Session
How to use this tracker:
This page will assist you in tracking, understanding, and taking action on cannabis-related bills moving through the 2025 Virginia General Assembly.
Click the bill title for the complete text and additional information on LIS.
The date of last action on the bill follows the summary. We usually update this at night and try to include what the next anticipated action will be.
When a bill is docketed, the hearing information will follow the last action.
Questions? Contact Virginia NORML at [email protected] or join us Fridays at 4PM (session permitting) for Live with NORML, now streaming on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube.
What the motions on bills mean:
Lay the bill on the table Suspends debate of the bill. It can be recalled from the table later, but this rarely happens.
Pass the bill by indefinitely Ends debate of the bill. The bill has been killed and is dead for the session.
Report the bill Sends the bill to the House or Senate for a floor vote.
Refer or Rerefer Sends the bill to a Committee or Subcommittee.
Final outcomes for bills:
SUCCEEDED Bill passed both chambers by vote and has been sent to the Governor for action | ||
SIGNED Bill has been signed by the Governor and will become law | ||
1 | INCORPORATED Bill was incorporated into other similar and preferential bill | |
CONTINUED Bill will be taken up in the same Committee in the following year, but is done for this session | ||
1 | DEFEATED Bill was defeated by vote and will not pass this session | |
FAILED TO PASS Bill was not heard by the House or Senate or otherwise failed to advance | ||
LEFT IN COMMITTEE Bill was not heard by the Committee or otherwise failed to advance | ||
VETOED Governor has vetoed the bill | ||
IN CONFERENCE Bill is in a committee of Senate and House members to reconcile a final version for approval | ||
AMENDMENTS Governor has proposed amendments to be considered by the General Assembly on 4/12/23 | ||
WITHDRAWN/STRICKEN Bill patron withdrew the bill |
HB 2485 Cannabis control; retail market; penalties.
Chief patron: Del Paul Krizek (D)
Cannabis control; retail market; penalties. Establishes a framework for the creation of a retail marijuana market in the Commonwealth, to be administered by the Virginia Cannabis Control Authority. The bill allows the Authority to begin issuing all marijuana licenses on September 1, 2025, but provides that no retail sales may occur prior to May 1, 2026.
1/24/2025 House: Committee on General Laws Subcommittee #5, 3PM, House South Subcommittee Room 210
SB 970 Cannabis control; retail market; penalties.
Chief patron: Sen Aaron Rouse (D)
Cannabis control; retail market; penalties. Establishes a framework for the creation of a retail marijuana market in the Commonwealth, to be administered by the Virginia Cannabis Control Authority. The bill allows the Authority to begin issuing all marijuana licenses on September 1, 2025, but provides that no retail sales may occur prior to May 1, 2026.
1/17/2025 Senate: Reported from Rehabilitation and Social Services with substitute and rereferred to Finance and Appropriations (8-Y 7-N)
SB 1054 Virginia Cannabis Control Authority; draft regulations governing cannabis; report.
Chief patron: Sen Adam Ebbin (D)
Virginia Cannabis Control Authority; draft regulations governing cannabis; report. Directs the Virginia Cannabis Control Authority to draft regulations governing the indoor cultivation, processing, manufacturing, testing, packaging, labeling, distribution, sale, and delivery of marijuana to adults age 21 or older in the Commonwealth, which shall (i) include appropriate application and license fees; (ii) include transaction limits; and (iii) model, to the greatest extent practicable, the regulations promulgated by the Authority governing the Medical Cannabis Program.
The bill requires the Authority to report such draft regulations to the General Assembly by November 15, 2025, and indicate the date by which it would be able to implement and enforce such regulations, issue licenses, provide adequate enforcement, and implement a transitional sales program for pharmaceutical processors. The bill specifies that any regulations drafted by the Authority pursuant to the provisions of the bill shall not become effective until such regulations are approved by an act of the General Assembly.
1/7/2025 Senate: Referred to Committee on Rehabilitation and Social Services
HB 2317 Possession of marijuana, marijuana products, retail tobacco products, and hemp products intended for smoking by a person younger than 21 years of age prohibited; penalty.
Chief patron: Del Will Davis (R)
Possession of marijuana, marijuana products, retail tobacco products, and hemp products intended for smoking by a person younger than 21 years of age prohibited; penalty. Provides that no person younger than 21 years of age shall consume or possess, or attempt to consume or possess, any marijuana, marijuana products, retail tobacco products, or hemp products intended for smoking, as such terms are defined in relevant law, and a violation of such prohibition is a Class 1 misdemeanor, with certain exceptions. The bill also allows any such person charged with his first offense of underaged possession of retail tobacco products or hemp products intended for smoking to have the proceedings deferred, to be placed on probation by the court, and to have the charges dismissed by the court without an adjudication of guilty upon such person's successful completion of probation.
1/8/2025 House: Referred to Committee for Courts of Justice
SB 947 Issuing citations; certain traffic offenses and odor of marijuana; exclusion of evidence.
Chief patron: Sen Bill DeSteph (R)
Issuing citations; certain traffic offenses and odor of marijuana; exclusion of evidence. Removes provisions prohibiting a law-enforcement officer from stopping a motor vehicle for operating (i) with an expired registration sticker prior to the first day of the fourth month after the original expiration date; (ii) with defective and unsafe equipment; (iii) without tail lights, brake lights, or a supplemental high mount stop light; (iv) without lighted headlights displayed when so required; (v) with certain tinting films, signs, posters, stickers, or decals; (vi) with objects or other equipment suspended so as to obstruct the driver's view; or (vii) with an expired inspection prior to the first day of the fourth month after the original expiration date, as well as the accompanying exclusionary provisions. The bill also authorizes a law-enforcement officer to lawfully stop, search, or seize a person, place, or thing or a search warrant to be issued based solely on the odor of marijuana if such odor creates a reasonable suspicion of a violation of the law prohibiting driving while intoxicated.
1/27/2025 Senate: Committee for Courts of Justice, 8AM, Senate Room A 305
HB 2510 Safety and Health Codes Board; THC impairment standard for certain work sites.
Chief patron: Del Kim Taylor (R)
Safety and Health Codes Board; THC impairment standard for certain work sites. Directs the Safety and Health Codes Board to promulgate regulations to establish a THC impairment standard and testing protocol to be used exclusively on manufacturing and utility work sites and to commence the rulemaking process no later than October 1, 2025.
1/8/2025 House: Referred to Committee on Labor and Commerce
DEFEATED: SB 912 Safety and Health Codes Board; THC impairment standard for certain work sites.
Chief patron: Sen Bill Stanley (R)
Safety and Health Codes Board; THC impairment standard for certain work sites. Directs the Safety and Health Codes Board to promulgate regulations to establish a THC impairment standard and testing protocol to be used exclusively on manufacturing and utility work sites and to commence the rulemaking process no later than October 1, 2025.
1/13/2025 Senate: Passed by indefinitely in Commerce and Labor (9-Y 6-N)
Virginia NORML successfully defeated this bill.
HB 1989 Medical cannabis program; product labels; delivery.
Chief patron: Del Alex Askew (D)
Medical cannabis program; product labels; delivery. Changes the requirements for what is included on medical cannabis product labels affixed by pharmaceutical processors to include (i) the total milligrams of tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol included in the edible cannabis product or topical cannabis product, both defined in the bill; (ii) the number of milligrams of tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol in each serving of the edible cannabis product or topical cannabis product; and (iii) the total percentage of tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol included in the inhalable cannabis product, defined in the bill. Under current law, the product label of any medical cannabis product is required to include the total percentage and milligrams of tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol included in the product and the number of milligrams of tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol in each serving.
The bill also allows a pharmaceutical processor or cannabis dispensing facility to dispense or deliver cannabis products in person to a patient or such patient's registered agent, parent, or legal guardian at any residence or business at which such patient or such patient's registered agent, parent, or legal guardian is lawfully permitted to receive deliveries. However, the bill prohibits dispensing or delivering cannabis products to any public gathering places.
1/22/2025 House: Committee on General Laws Subcommittee #5, 3PM, House South Subcommittee Room 210
Parental Rights
HB 2613 Child abuse and neglect; custody and visitation; possession or consumption of authorized substances.
Chief patron: Del Nadarius Clark (D)
Child abuse and neglect; custody and visitation; possession or consumption of authorized substances. Provides that a child shall not be considered an abused or neglected child, and no person shall be denied custody or visitation of a child, based only on the fact that the child's parent or other person responsible for his care, or the person petitioning for custody or visitation of the child, possessed or consumed legally authorized substances. The bill directs the Board of Social Services to amend its regulations, guidance documents, and other instructional materials to ensure that such regulations, documents, and materials comply with, and that investigations and family assessments are conducted by local departments of social services in accordance with, the provisions of the bill.
1/13/2025 House: Committee Referral Pending
>> Action Alert in support coming soon
INCORPORATED: HB 2176 Modification of sentence for marijuana-related offenses, sunset.
Chief patron: Del Nadarius Clark (D)
Modification of sentence for marijuana-related offenses. Creates a process by which persons convicted of certain felony offenses involving the possession, manufacture, selling, giving, distribution, transportation, or delivery of marijuana committed prior to July 1, 2021, who remain incarcerated or on community supervision on July 1, 2025, may receive an automatic hearing to consider modification of such person's sentence. The provisions of this bill sunset on July 1, 2028.
HB 2555 Modification of sentence for marijuana-related offenses.
Chief patron: Del Rozia Henson (D)
Modification of sentence for marijuana-related offenses. Creates a process by which persons convicted of certain felony offenses involving the possession, manufacture, selling, giving, distribution, transportation, or delivery of marijuana committed prior to July 1, 2021, who remain incarcerated or on community supervision on July 1, 2025, may receive an automatic hearing to consider modification of such person's sentence. The provisions of this bill sunset on July 1, 2028.
1/20/2025 House: Committee for Courts of Justice Criminal Subcommittee recommends reporting with substitute (7-Y 1-N)
Workgroups, Studies, & Resolutions
HB 2366 Secretary of Public Safety and Homeland Security and Secretary of Health and Human Resources; combat the sale of illicit cannabis products; work group; report.
Chief patron: Del Carrie Coyner (R)
Secretary of Public Safety and Homeland Security and Secretary of Health and Human Resources; combat the sale of illicit cannabis products; work group; report. Directs the Secretary of Public Safety and Homeland Security and the Secretary of Health and Human Resources to convene a work group to analyze the current efforts in the Commonwealth to combat the sale of illicit cannabis products and develop recommendations to enhance such enforcement efforts with a focus on protecting consumers and children from harmful, untested, and unregulated products. The bill requires the work group to complete its work and submit a report regarding its findings and recommendations to the Chairs of the House Committees on Appropriations, on General Laws, and for Courts of Justice and the Senate Committees on Finance and Appropriations, on General Laws and Technology, on Rehabilitation and Social Services, and for Courts of Justice by October 1, 2025.
1/8/2025 House: Referred to Committee on Rules
Virgina NORML is a named work group member.
>> Action Alert in support coming soon
SB 1442 Secretary of Public Safety and Homeland Security and Secretary of Health and Human Resources; combat the sale of illicit cannabis products; work group; report.
Chief patron: Sen Dave Marsden (D)
Secretary of Public Safety and Homeland Security and Secretary of Health and Human Resources; combat the sale of illicit cannabis products; work group; report. Directs the Secretary of Public Safety and Homeland Security and the Secretary of Health and Human Resources to convene a work group to analyze the current efforts in the Commonwealth to combat the sale of illicit cannabis products and develop recommendations to enhance such enforcement efforts with a focus on protecting consumers and children from harmful, untested, and unregulated products. The bill requires the work group to complete its work and submit a report regarding its findings and recommendations to the Chairs of the House Committees on Appropriations, on General Laws, and for Courts of Justice and the Senate Committees on Finance and Appropriations, on General Laws and Technology, on Rehabilitation and Social Services, and for Courts of Justice by October 1, 2025.
1/17/2025 Senate: Referred to Committee on Rules
Virgina NORML is a named work group member.
>> Action Alert in support coming soon